
The studies and researches’ group in communication, education and society-GECES/ UNIT/ CNPq-  based on its experiences marked by communication, education and society’s intersection problems and through varied and complementary reference sources’ connection, started an international trajectory’s symposium ten years ago which has marked and consolidated studies in communication and education.

When rearranging scenarios, the education and communication international symposium through Tiradentes University (UNIT-SE), from research and extension directorate (DPE) with the graduation and research in education program, however, particularly in communication and education research line, in this activities decade with plenty of contributions and transformations based on many intense exchange meetings and established network connection regionally, nationally and internationally, promotes the tenth education and communication international symposium-SIMEDUC, from March 24th to 26th , 2021, by which the addressed topic will be: Communication, education and society.

The education and communication international symposium has as objective get together researchers, teachers, undergraduate and graduate students from Brazil as also other countries interested in studies and discussions about education and communication besides the consequences of learning process in and out of school environment.

Free Online Event
Date: March 24th, 25th and 26st, 2021
Broadcast: Geces Channel on Youtube
Location: Tiradentes University – Aracaju / SE

1st Paulo Freire Permanent Forum

On september19th, 2021, It will be celebrated the Paulo Freire hundredth birthday. Studies and researches’ group in communication, education and society- GECES-CNPq/ UNIT- considers a favorable opportunity in order to reaffirm the educator’s ideas and thoughts, pedagogy of autonomy’s author, and in its 10th education and communication international symposium edition- 10th SIMEDUC, will be promoted some discursive possibilities which will ratify a political, social and cultural liberation way about educational processes, ideals defended by Paulo Freire. Celebrating his centenary in 2021, we will preserve his memory and keep alive his transformative education legacy.